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From Genes and Development GN434This is a ShoutWiki help page, hosted at ShoutWiki Hub. If you want to suggest changes, leave a message on its talk page. If you want to replace this page with a custom help page for your wiki, click the create button above. JavaScript allows site administrators to customize a wiki, or other website, in many ways. JavaScript code cannot be directly embedded into a page ( Many default features are JavaScript based, such as the pop-up login window, dismiss button on site-wide notice, search suggestions, edit toolbar on edit view and so on. The JavaScript in MediaWiki:Global.js is the global JavaScript for all ShoutWiki sites on every page load, no matter what skin is used. MediaWiki:Global.js can only be edited by ShoutWiki Staff. If you need help in using JavaScript with your wiki site, please contact ShoutWiki's Customer Support Team. See also
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